Titanium Electrical Group

Brand roll-out

As part of my task, I was responsible for overseeing the extensive brand rollout of Titanium Electrical Group's brand refresh. This project involved several important tasks, with the main focus being a complete overhaul of their outdated website.

In addition, I updated their essential documents, refining the capability statement to accurately reflect their strengths, and enhancing the tender document template to increase their competitiveness in bidding processes. These collective efforts breathed new life into the brand, modernised its online presence, and provided the company with effective tools for communication and client engagement. Ultimately, these efforts strengthened the brand's position and resonance in the market.

Took on the challenge of redesigning the website, giving it a modern and user-friendly appearance that perfectly matched the brand's values and identity.

Residential | Commercial | Sustainable Energy |

Residential | Commercial | Sustainable Energy |


Alpine Projects


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